Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy New Year! From an almost-graduate.

Wow... it's been almost a year since I've written here. The rush of emotions and memories are just coming back so quickly, I don't really know how to handle it. But anyways, hey guys. Yes, it's been another year that has passed. 2013 was one hell of a year and a really good one. 

The last time you saw me was when I was desperately pleading for J to come back to me. Haha, now that I look back on it, I must've been really stupid. All has been lost and almost forgotten, but I am relieved that all of that unreasonable drama is behind us. And I can also update you guys that I no longer keep in touch with anyone except for Soo and Yoona, but even that has slowed down. This year, around April, I had opened up a new roleplay with a few of my Rp Ent followers to come with. It was a really good time for a while but of course, things were really slow because my motivation was down the drain- but we did have our good moments.

After a while though, I was struggling with repressing my memories and I found myself re-opening Rp Ent in which only my sister, Gyu, and I joined. That didn't last very long either. But finally, I tried once more a few weeks ago... yes, I haven't learned to give up yet... and I am in love with my idea, but nobody has shown up for days. Truth is, I've finally sunk.

On another note, I started my senior year this year. Yes, I know... I'm old now. I am taking 3 AP classes this year and luckily for me, I only have 5 periods!! Would you look at that? Haha, I guess all that suffering for the past 3 years paid off in the end, so now I can ease into a new life and finish high school happily. Oh, but I can't forget to mention my little down fall during the last few days of Junior year - which was hell btw - when I finally dumped Benny's friendship down the drain. Yes, I finally realized he was a genuine asshole. So, I deserted him - after Junior prom and all the finals prep had happened.

And as I was transitioning into Summer, I had met a wonderful guy named Aaron which I am happy to report, we're still going strong. It'll be 8 months after Christmas on the 27th. Can you believe it? Where did the time go, really? But I can honestly say I am content and yes, sometimes I still miss everyone from the rp but life goes on.. and senior year has been gently nudging me with APes and AP Lit/Comp with McHenry. Either way, I am happy and it's been good. Although, I do not want to jinx it because I am really hoping that 2014 will be a great year and I think it will since I'll be a graduate!! Ahh, it's exciting! Can you believe it?! I've been waiting my whole high school career for this. 

This year, I've been enjoying my breaks with Irene, Dixie, Avina, and Ellie. In fact, after the first few weeks of senior year, I ditched Rosie to hang out with them. I decided that Rosie and I have nothing really in common any more and I was fed up with the exclusion since all her friends are apparently "princesses" which- you know me- is so annoying and stupid. But I've enjoyed it! Plus, I have Aaron's support and my family's been at a good balance for a while. Marissa's also been visiting me whenever she comes home from college (AHHH MY BABY'S GROWN UP) and I get to hear her stories which will prepare me for the future. I also applied to colleges which was definitely stressful but all is done and now I just have to get through this week, finals week, so that I can rest easy during break.

The most exciting part of my life right now, and WAS the most dramatic, is prom. Tonight, a few minutes ago, Aaron purchased his first flight to California!!! You have no idea how happy and excited I was. He'll be coming in on May 1st through May 5th, to join me for prom on May 3rd. My patience has finally paid off and my dream is coming true. I really really admire him and I love him a lot, so this was a big deal for me. Senior year, although not "easy" like everyone says, is definitely way better than all the years before. Plus, I'm still best friends with Irene! I can't even imagine the 12 years we've been buddies. I am truly blessed.

Since it's getting late, I'll be going now. I think I summarized my year pretty well actually! Haha. 

Wish me luck on finals!


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